How to Be a Winner at Your Next Nursery Job Interview

April 1st, 2024

Preparing for a nursery job interview? From what to wear, to what to expect, we've put together some helpful tips which will help you succeed.

Research is key

If there’s one big secret as to how to prepare for a nursery interview, it’s research.

Aim to discover everything you can about the nursery you’re applying to, including:

  • Whether they have a particular childcare approach or philosophy
  • What opportunities there might be for career progression
  • What their Ofsted report says
  • Where exactly the nursery is and how to get there – make you have a route planned to avoid being late!

Don’t forget that your research doesn’t stop when you take your seat in the interview – meeting the team face to face is the perfect opportunity to ask them any burning questions you still have. You can wait until the end of the interview or – if it seems natural – introduce them as they come up in conversation.

Nursery job interview questions to prepare for

It’s likely that you’ll be asked some key questions at a nursery interview – if you prepare for these, then you’ll be well set to answer confidently. We’ve listed some key questions below that you may face:

  • What do you enjoy about working with children? (Or, if you haven’t worked in nurseries before, why do you want to work with children?)
  • What is your experience of working within the EYFS?
  • How would you comfort a child in distress?
  • What activities might you prepare for the age group you are applying to work with?
  • What in particular attracted you to working in our nursery – and is there anything you would change or improve?
What to wear for a play session

Whether you’re applying for the role of apprentice or room leader, most nursery interviews will involve a play session with some of the children. his is really important to see how you interact with babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers, and whether you’re likely to be a good fit in the nursery. Wear something smart but practical, with your hair tied back if applicable, and avoid dangly jewellery or painted nails. You’ll need to be comfortable moving around.

Be yourself

If you’ve done your research, prepared your answers and you’re still excited about the job, there’s just one more thing to do – and that’s to be yourself! Working in a nursery involves so much interaction with children, parents and fellow team members that it’s really important for us to see your personality shine through when we meet you.

Browse our job vacancies

We’re always looking for the right people to join the Partou team. if you’d like to put our top tips to the test, why not check out our latest nursery job vacancies.

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