Benefits of music in early childhood education
Music helps children to develop their social, physical and communication skills. Discover more about the benefits of music in early childhood education.
As adults, we tend to see work and play as two very different things – at opposite ends of the spectrum. But for children, play and work are one and the same! The first five years in children’s lives form the bed stones of their learning and the experiences that they have are crucial in setting them up to be independent, resilient, happy and successful.
As well as being a natural instinct and lots of fun, spontaneous, unstructured child’s play involves exploring the world, trying things out, making decisions and experimenting to see how things work. Encouraging learning through play is a positive way to support young children in their development.
To gain an insight into how children learn through play, try watching from the side-lines as your little one does what comes most naturally to them. Children are born naturally curious and by closely observing them you can see this fundamental built-in drive to explore and find out in everything that they do! You might observe them exploring the properties of an object by interacting with it in lots of different ways, for example, banging them, exploring them with their hands, smelling or biting them, trying to post
them or exploring how they interact with other items or solving a problem by methodically working through different solutions until they find the right one.
When playing with friends, the group might develop a make-believe world and a set of rules to follow. Or if they decide to play in an imaginary world, your child might mimic grown-up behaviours to bake a cake or go to the shops. All of these activities support children’s learning and are an integral part of their journey of developing skills and knowledge.
Learning through play in the early years is vital to children’s healthy development because it’s the best way for young children to build their understanding of the world and their place in it. Children must have lots of opportunities to take control over their play without always having direction from adults, which will help develop their confidence and allow them to feel good about what they can achieve. For the very best experiences for children in early years, this approach is balanced alongside activities that practitioners set up for children to develop their learning opportunities even further.
The benefits of learning through play can be seen in all areas of development, including physical movement, cognitive ability, creativity, emotional wellbeing and social skills.
Play-based learning can happen anywhere! Learning through play at nursery might include unstructured activities like:
Whilst traditional shop bought “toys” can have a place in children’s learning they are not a necessity, there is plenty that parents can do at home to encourage spontaneous, unstructured learning through play. Here are some things you can do to support your child’s play:
Ultimately, play is a natural instinct that children find deeply enjoyable and satisfying. Although they won’t think of it in that way, children will always learn if they have the freedom to express themselves through play.
By encouraging young children to learn through play, we can support babies, toddlers and pre-schoolers to equip themselves with the skills they need for life.
To learn more about how we encourage learning through play, contact us today.
Music helps children to develop their social, physical and communication skills. Discover more about the benefits of music in early childhood education.
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